Glenkens News

Glenkens Hub Glenkens Hub

Moving forward in education discussions

It finally feels like real progress is finally being made with regard to finding a constructive way forward for Glenkens education. This comes after months of work from community groups and individuals across the Glenkens – years for some parents and members of the community.

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Gazette 145 Glenkens Hub Gazette 145 Glenkens Hub

Finding the best solution for Galloway

Galloway faces an existential crisis. A trio of demographic, economic and environmental decline risks turning this jewel of Scotland into little more than a giant power generating facility accompanied by plantations of cheap wood. Major changes are needed, and perhaps one such major change would be the establishment of a national park.

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Gazette 145 Glenkens Hub Gazette 145 Glenkens Hub

A Galloway National Park?

The proposers of a national park in Galloway claim that its establishment will result in a better future for people, communities, economy, culture and the environment in the area. Is this likely? What are the real issues that need to be addressed during this consultation? Who is best placed to provide the solutions we need? How can the friction and concern in our communities be minimised? And what’s the hurry?

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