History & Heritage
Things to See & Do
Reports & Resources Archive
Glenkens News
Stravaiging with Andy
Join Andy for walks and exploration in the Galloway Hills.
Galloway Retold
Storytelling videos based on old tales from the Galloway region of Scotland.
WestWind Drone Surveys
Drone footage of local landmarks.
Galloway Then & Now
A journey through old (and new) Galloway via old photos.
Galloway Glens
144 videos produced during the Galloway Glens Scheme over a wide range of heritage, history and natural environment topics.
Can You Dig It live talks playlist
16 videos of live Can You Dig It events covering many of the fascinating topics worked on during the project.
The Covenanters
10 short videos from Can You Dig It on Facebook Watch.
Join Tom as he takes you on a tour following the trail of the Covenanters through Galloway Glens.
Big Tam's tour of the ROC posts
8 short videos from Can You Dig It on Facebook Watch.
Get involved!
Join a heritage & history group in the Glenkens.