Galloway Glens Legacy Fund

Galloway Glens Legacy Fund opens for applications

The Galloway Glens Scheme came to an end in September 2023 after a fantastic 5 years supporting the communities of the Ken/Dee valley.

The legacy of the Galloway Glens can be seen in many concrete ways, such as the Watson Birds Trail in Glenkens, a suite of new footpaths across the whole area or in renewed community buildings and assets.

However, it also supported communities in many other ways and made a very real difference to the lives of many people who live here. It was a Dumfries and Galloway Council Environment Team project and supported by the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere, administering more than £6 million of National Lottery Heritage Funding and other funds over the 5 years.

Galloway Glens Legacy Fund poster

Now to further its legacy, the Galloway Glens Scheme is opening a fund of small maintenance grants to ensure that Galloway Glens funded projects can continue to deliver great outcomes for the communities they serve.

£45,000 is available in total and will be spent in annual rounds over the next 3 years. The first round opens on the 23rd September 2024 and closes on the 4th November 2024. Applications can be made for revenue or capital funding, and the amount requested should be under £5,000 and proportional to the overall fund size and the size of the project’s initial Galloway Glens funding.

This legacy funding is intended to extend delivery of the outcomes of the projects originally funded, and this will be the main criteria for assessment.

GGLP logo
Funded by DGC logo
Heritage Lottery Fund logo
GSA Biosphere logo



  • All Galloway Glens funded projects are eligible to apply, including Small Grant projects. 

  • All projects must be able to be completed by the end of October 2025. 

  • Both capital and revenue projects are eligible. 

  • All applications must demonstrate clearly how the work will continue the legacy of the Galloway Glens, as this is the main criteria for assessment.

Crichton Carbon Centre Bog Event


Applications will be administered by Glenkens Community & Arts Trust (GCAT) on behalf of the Legacy Fund Steering Group. Therefore fund requests should be sent to: for collation and review by the Steering Group. 

Applications should consist of no more than 500 words and should cover:

  • Organisation name.

  • Project name and brief description of the original Galloway Glens funded project.

  • What you would use the award to do, and how much you are requesting (up to £5,000).

  • How this work would contribute to maintaining the legacy of the Galloway Glens scheme.

  • What the expected timeline is, in order to complete by end October 2025.

  • If it is part of a bigger project, what is the broader scope and cost of that project.

  • Bank details for payment if the application is successful. 

Galloway Glens Biosphere Explorers
Balmaclellan Mirror casting at the Smiddy, Balmaclellan


  • Applications close at 9pm on Monday 4th November 2024. 

  • All applications will be acknowledged by email on receipt.

  • Assessment of applications by the Legacy Fund Steering Group will take place in November 2024. 

  • All applicants will be notified of their application outcome by 2nd December 2024. 

  • Awards will be paid out in December 2024.

  • Photos showing how the funding supported your project should be submitted to before end Oct 2025. 

Galloway Glens Threave