Glenkens Cubs and Scouts

Joining Cubs in January we have Pippin, Hannah’s daughter, who is an inspiration before she comes to the door.

Scouts logo

Pippin and her little bother use Mum and Dad’s workshop to make pottery brooches and magnets all year, and sell them at pottery events.

In total, during 2023 they have raised £851 for Stepping Stones Foodbank in Castle Douglas.

Just before Christmas they visited the foodbank to see what was needed and filled four trolleys of essentials and some treats as well for the less fortunate in our society. Sadly but true. Well done both!

The Cubs thoroughly enjoyed Cinderella, the panto at the CatStrand. Thank you to all involved, each and every one of you. You were amazing.

We would like to wish you all a happy New Year and hope 2024 is good to you. Yours in Scouting,

Heather & Hannah


World Day of Prayer


A thank you to the communities of the Glenkens for their generosity