World Day of Prayer

This year the World Day of Prayer service will be hosted by St Margaret's New Galloway, on Friday 1 March at 2pm.

Those taking part will be drawn from all the churches in the Glenkens and the service is open to everyone.

Each year the World Day of Prayer service is put together by a particular country - this year it is Palestine, that tiny area in the Middle East that has been host to the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam for thousands of years.

The theme is 'I beg you... bear with one another in love', a particularly poignant New Testament quotation for these troubled times. The Palestinian Christian women who have developed the service are searching for a deeper understanding among all the people who share their land, trusting for and hoping in the humanity of one another.

Following the service, the St Margaret's Guild will be serving refreshments.


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