A thank you to the communities of the Glenkens for their generosity

For many years, St Margaret's church in New Galloway have dedicated their collections at Christmas to a charity chosen by the congregation.

CHAS logo

Choosing a worthwhile cause is always difficult when there are so many places and people desperate for help and this year it was decided to share the money raised between two charities - ShelterBox and CHAS. On the international stage, ShelterBox's simple strategy of sending emergency shelter and tools to where they are most needed is both practical and useful. And closer to home, CHAS (Children's Hospices Across Scotland) offers a full family support service for babies, children and young people with life-shortening conditions.

Shelter Box logo

The St Margaret's Vestry are delighted to report that just under £1,000 was raised from collections at the Carols by Candlelight service held at St Margaret's and from the Christmas Day service. This money will be divided equally between ShelterBox and CHAS. Many thanks to all who gave so generously.


Glenkens Cubs and Scouts


The Covenanters of the Glenkens