Glenkens News
Shining a Spotlight on the Glenkens
The project is currently seeking videographers to create exciting social media content for its Glenkens Hub website and social media channels. The stories, photos and reels will spotlight younger people living and working in the Glenkens.
Galloway Glens Legacy Scheme makes first awards
The Galloway Glens Scheme came to an end in September 2023 after a fantastic 5 years supporting the communities of the Ken/Dee valley. The legacy of the Galloway Glens can be seen in many concrete ways, including a suite of new footpaths across the area and renewed community buildings and assets.
The Glenkens Story - a time for celebration
We will be marking the 10 year anniversary of The Glenkens Story with an afternoon of celebration at the CatStrand on Sunday 23rd March.
New round of funding from Glenkens Community Shop
Application Forms for Grants are now available from the Charity Shop in Dalry.
Glenkens Food Month 2024 planning meeting announced
It is that time of year again when our thoughts turn towards Glenkens Food Month! This year it will again be September.
Glenkens Community Spaces Network reflects on a positive first year
The Glenkens Community Spaces Network (GCSN), which held its first meeting in January 2023, was created in order to bring the voluntary committees who run and maintain our community halls and centres across the Glenkens.
Fair Food for All
Galloway Food Hub is piloting a scheme to help people who are experiencing food inequalities in the Glenkens.
Opportunity to learn mental health first aid on free 2 day course
Following the Mental Health & Wellbeing survey, Dalry Community Council are pleased to have secured funding for a two day Scottish Mental Health First Aid training course.
Local fund reaches £1 million milestone
A total of one million pounds paid to community projects in the Glenkens & District area since 2019.
A volunteer-led study of Galloway’s Stately Homes is published, marking the end of the ‘Can You Dig It’ Community Archaeology Project
The ‘Can You Dig It’ community archaeology project – part of the Galloway Glens Scheme – has worked with hundreds of volunteers over the last 4 years to inspire and understand the archaeology and history of the Ken/Dee valley in Galloway – showcasing archaeological processes and approaches.
Energy Efficiency reports published
Two useful reports into the energy efficiency of our Galloway buildings have been published by the Glenkens Community and Arts Trust (GCAT).
Community Action Plan Steering Group publishes update
The Glenkens & District Community Action Plan was published in 2020, and is owned and kept relevant by the CAP Steering Group, who felt it was timely to publish an Update Report on the progress of the Community Action Plan to date.
New Report Provides a Road Map for Sustainable Community Spaces in the Glenkens
Thanks to funding from the Scottish Government's 'Community Led Vision' fund, administered by D&G Council, eleven community buildings in the Glenkens have received detailed assessments of their energy efficiency upgrade options.
New round of Funding Announced for Native Tree Planting in South of Scotland
The South of Scotland Tree Planting project has just announced a new round of funding, with £120,000 available over the next 12 months to enable community groups, farmers and landowners
to plant around 15,000 landscape trees across the Scottish Borders and Dumfries and Galloway.
The Galloway Glens ‘Long Goodbye’ Summer Events Programme is published
Are you looking for something do in water, on horseback, on foot or in a seated position this summer? The Galloway Glens Scheme has this week published the final summer programme of events.
Ever Thought About Being A Professional Childminder?
The Scottish Childminding Association is leading a recruitment drive to train and support new childminders in Glenkens communities.
Glenkens projects spring forward with £159,000 funding awarded by the Glenkens & District Trust
Glenkens & District Trust, working in partnership with Foundation Scotland, is delighted to announce a further seven awards in its spring round of funding, with a total sum of £158,966
Glenkens Food Hub Need Your Help!
The Glenkens Food Hub are carrying out a survey to find out what the local community know about food hubs and whether they would use a food hub to purchase their food.
The ‘Can You Dig It’ Archaeology Project approaches its final burst of activity
The ‘Can You Dig It’ community archaeology project – part of the Galloway Glens Scheme – has worked with hundreds of volunteers over the last 4 years to inspire and understand the archaeology and history of the Ken/Dee valley in Galloway – showcasing archaeological processes and approaches. From digs to field walks, from self-led covid friendly study work to the phenomenally popular series of online events, the project has been wide ranging.
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