Festive Greetings from Carsphairn
Carsphairn SWI members and friends met on 7th December to celebrate the Season. Lagwyne Hall looked beautifully festive as did everyone who came along. The buffet table was resplendent with a huge variety of savoury and sweet treats provided by members and friends.
Dorothy welcomed everyone to the gathering and invited them to fill up their plates. Between courses Dorothy presented Susie Seed with the Kellie Trophy for achieving most points in the competitions throughout the year. Susie also won the prize for most entries in the competitions. Nancy and Christine then gave Dorothy an orchid in recognition of her hard work, commitment and sense of fun as President.
Isobel Cuthbertson’s presentation
The next part of the evening was very special. Dorothy presented Isobel Cuthbertson with a certificate and badge recognising her loyal service to Scottish Women’s Institutes.
Isobel’s daughter Jane told everyone of her Mum’s sixty-year journey around various Institutes including Corsock, Crosshill, Dalry and Carsphairn. Isobel has judged baking at many shows and is also a keen exhibitor. Isobel thanked everyone for their congratulations and said how much she valued and enjoyed her involvement with the Scottish Women’s Institute.
After the dessert course, Susie, Sheila Little and Irene entertained everyone with recitations and song. These evoked much laughter and some reflection. The evening drew to a close with everyone joining in with festive songs. Dorothy thanked everyone for their contribution in making the evening such a resounding success.