Carsphairn’s Big Lunch

Carsphairn held their inaugural Eden Project Communities Scotland Big Lunch on Sunday 2nd June 2024.

The Big Lunch started in 2009 as a way of bringing communities together to share a meal and foster a sense of belonging. 14.1 million people took part nationwide in 2023, and organisers recognise the help it has been in developing community spirit, bringing generations together and encouraging volunteering in their areas.

Carsphairn’s Big Lunch 2024 took place in the Community Garden, which had been decorated with bunting and laid out with chairs, tables and gazebos by volunteers. The weather was changeable but stayed dry and hardy locals were not put off by the midges!

The event started at 1.30pm and was well attended by local families who enjoyed the delicious buffet lunch from Carsphairn Tearooms. There was plenty for children to do, with bubble-blowing, chalk drawing and colouring in laid on by Bairn Banter, Carsphairn’s stay and play group.

Attendees were also able to have their say on Carsphairn’s Local Place Plan (LPP), with maps and forms for comments. The draft LPP will be available for review this autumn.

The event, organised by Cathy Cockburn, was supported by Carsphairn Community Council and funded by Carsphairn Renewable Energy Fund Ltd (CREFL).

The organisers would like to thank to all the volunteers who assisted in making the lunch such a success and look forward to it becoming an annual event.


Outdoor fun at Bairn Banter this summer


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