Glenkens News
Finding the best solution for Galloway
Galloway faces an existential crisis. A trio of demographic, economic and environmental decline risks turning this jewel of Scotland into little more than a giant power generating facility accompanied by plantations of cheap wood. Major changes are needed, and perhaps one such major change would be the establishment of a national park.
New Research Links Education Innovation to Community Sustainability
New research commissioned by Glenkens & District Trust (GDT) has revealed that innovative approaches to rural education are vital for community sustainability.
Education and Learning in the Glenkens: Pioneering New Models for Rural Scotland
The Glenkens and District Community Action Plan Steering Group is pleased to announce a significant event focused on the future of education and lifelong learning in remote-rural Scotland.
Outdoor fun at Bairn Banter this summer
Families from across the Glenkens and beyond continue to come together and join in the fun filled sessions provided by Bairn Banter in Carsphairn.
Dalry Parent Council respond to media coverage of cost per pupil at Dalry Secondary
In light of the recent press coverage of cost per pupil for Dalry Secondary, the school’s Parent Council felt it was important to give some balance to the figure; a figure which it is felt is not entirely accurate, and which has been taken out of context.
Working together for the future of Glenkens education
Over the past few months communities across the Glenkens have been galvanised into action as a result of the proposed recommendation by D&G Education Department to mothball Dalry Secondary.
School mothballing halted: Victory for local campaigners!
United community action has successfully halted Council plans to mothball Dalry Secondary School without consultation.
Call for immediate cessation of the mothballing of secondary schools
Call for Dumfries and Galloway Council Elected Members to vote in favour of the Motion from Dougie Campbell and Andy McFarlane calling for an immediate cessation of the mothballing of secondary schools and for the development of a region-wide mothballing policy that takes account of the socio-economic implications of such a decision.
Glenkens education: alternative ideas
No school means be careful the post office, surgery, garage and arts centre next and then an oldie lonely community with just a few contractors coming in looking after the trees and wind farms.
Dumfries and Galloway Council Elected Members urged to vote for an immediate moratorium on the mothballing policy for schools
Call for Dumfries and Galloway Council Elected Members to vote in favour of the Urgent Motion calling for an immediate moratorium on the mothballing policy for schools and for community impact to be embedded in a future mothballing policy.
'Mothballing' proposal for Dalry Secondary
Council officials defy local opinion. Education officials are to ignore the results of a recent public consultation and are recommending that Dalry Secondary School should be mothballed after the summer holidays.
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