COP30 call to action

Roland Chaplain reports on the 2024 UN Climate Change Conference and examines the changes needed to combat the climate crisis.

I must start any feedback report on COP29 by stating what a huge privilege it was to have been one of the 10 online participants supporting Royal Meteorological Society CEO, Professor Liz Bentley at the conference in Baku, Azerbaijan in November last year.

This is the first time that there has been a facility enabling observer organisations to digitally move between meetings. 3000 of us globally took part from non-governmental organisations (NGOs) such as youth groups, indigenous peoples and research organisations, and although there is still a long way to go before NGOs and wider civic society have significant influence over outcomes, it is a vital first step to show that it is possible.


A huge amount has been written about this COP in the national and international press. Personally I have found the daily reports from Earth Negotiations Bulletin (International Institute for Sustainable Development - IISD) some of the most useful. In particular the much longer, detailed analysis of what had been achieved which IISD published on the 26th November, just 2 days after COP29.

Much of the COP process is very technical and full of legal language to ensure nations comply with the agreements. To make the proceedings accessible to more people, throughout the fortnight I summarised what I was hearing at the press conferences, highlighting some of the discussions taking place and recording representations from those most affected right now by the climate crisis. You can read the summaries Impressions from COP29 below.


COP30 Brazil

This is the really important one, coming 10 years after the Paris Agreement, the legally binding international treaty to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels..

In response to calls from civic society and youth groups in Brazil, the Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Lula) has called for this to be the first ever truly 'People’s COP’. It is essential for tackling the climate and nature crises that COP30 is structured in a way which redistributes the balance of power and includes meaningful online participation from citizens assemblies, community groups and other non-governmental organisations.


The question is often posed as to whether there is any point in having COP negotiations at all when they are doomed to failure due to lobbyists from exploitative industries such as fossil fuels and armaments. Fortunately we have the scientific knowledge, self awareness and spirituality to see and understand what is happening and what needs to be done. We need to share the Brazilian vision for a Peoples COP.

This article is a call to everyone to recognise the inter-connectedness of all the causes and solutions to the present climate and biodiversity crises. Scotland is a microcosm of the global problems of human beings' relationship with the surface of our planet. The extreme concentration of the ownership of land into so few hands in Scotland typifies the global problem of legal systems that evolved to benefit the already wealthy and powerful, at the expense of the exploited.

For meaningful online participation at the forthcoming COP30, work would need to begin immediately in order to build the framework with the widest possible public buy in through citizens assemblies, organised down to the most local and inclusive of levels (see this article for more information about how this might work in the Glenkens).

Lets hope that the year-long process that culminates in COP30 in November 2025 in Brazil will see all of us go far beyond what any had previously thought possible to address the root cause of our present terrifying predicament.

Roland Chaplain



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