Carsphairn’s musical heritage at the SWI
President, Melissa Ade welcomed a great turn out of members and friends to our February meeting. She then introduced Anna Campbell, a valued friend of Carsphairn Rural and someone with a wealth of knowledge about the history of the local area.
Anna explained that the knowledge for her talk about musical reminiscences has been accumulated over many years from sources that are now looked after by Carsphairn Heritage Initiative. Through photographs on a slide show and her words, Anna introduced everyone to a number of well-known musical personalities. These included Mary Murray with her bagpipes and Robbie Murray, a self-taught fiddler.
Anna brought the dances and social gatherings from the past to life with descriptions and handed down memories. Before modern transport and networks, Carsphairn was an isolated community. This did not in any way deter the inhabitants from enjoying themselves at social gatherings. The time taken to walk or cycle to events more than doubled the time involved as folk would travel long distances to get there, dance and catch up well into the next morning before heading home.
Anna read a few excerpts from school log books referring to music and song, twenty-one schools in those days compared to two now covering the same area. Bunty Scott who was brought up at Moorbrock was a gifted writer and some of her work has been set to music by Nicola Black. The Fiddler’s Brig legend was shared by Anna which added more colour to her talk.
Throughout her presentation, Anna brought members and friends much closer to the people of the past, their musical talents and personalities as well as their social life and gatherings. She also said that the Carsphairn area has a legacy of music being carried on now and hopefully far into the future. Betty Peacock gave Anna an insightful and informed vote of thanks. This was heartily endorsed by everyone there.
Betty and Lavinia Morris provided everyone with welcome refreshments to enjoy while the business was conducted. This included reports from the Ruralympics and Twynholm SWI’s 105th Anniversary as well as team entries for the upcoming Stewartry Federation Show in May. Anna kindly judged the competitions. The results were as follows :- Local snap. 1. Isabel McBeth 2. Melissa Ade 3. Isobel Cuthbertson. Shortbread biscuits 1. Nancy White 2. Isobel Cuthbertson 3. Melissa Ade. Flower of the Month 1. Dorothy Faulds 2. Sheila Little 3. Irene McCreath The raffle was drawn.
Melissa thanked Betty and Lavinia for preparing and serving the refreshments and everyone else for their contributions to the evening. It had been vibrant and extremely well attended. After tidying up, everyone headed home having taken part in a social gathering not too far removed from that which Anna had spoken about earlier in the meeting.
Christine Whipp, Carsphairn SWI.