Carsphairn SWI Meeting Report -16th March 2023

Carsphairn SWI met in Lagwyne Hall on 16th March. A healthy turnout of members was welcomed by Dorothy Faulds. Business was carried out which included invitations to join Clarebrand and Shawhead Institutes for their open nights. Members also talked about introducing a ‘Travelling Book’ which will journey with members who will contribute an item of their choosing. The Carsphairn SWI 60th Anniversary wall hanging was also mentioned as efforts are being made to identify contributors and the stories behind each panel.

Dorothy then introduced Raeburn Thomson from Glenkens Honey Company. Before Raeburn spoke, Maggie shared information from Judith telling members about the importance of bees and their symbolism for Manchester. This provided an apt backdrop to the talk. Raeburn spoke with authority and enthusiasm about his work with bees. He explained how he responds to calls to rescue swarms and colonies and the steps he takes to do this. Members were fascinated and many questions were put to Raeburn which he answered fully and clearly. The information on bees that was discussed included the composition of bees in a hive, the jobs they each do, their life cycles, different strains of bees, how honey is collected and stored and how bees communicate to name a few. Isobel McBeth gave the vote of thanks which was enthusiastically supported by everyone there. It was agreed that members would like to invite Raeburn to come again to share more of his knowledge and experience.

Beehives in the snow

Glenkens Honey Company beehives in the snow.

While everyone was enjoying a lovely tea provided by Isobel McBeth and Lavinia, Raeburn kindly judged the competitions. The results were as follows:- Honey Cake 1. Christine Whipp 2. Nancy White 3. Susie Seed. Bee Creative 1. Merle Kerkhof, 2. Sheila Hey, 3. Susie Seed. Flower of the Month 1. Nancy White, 2. Melissa Ade, 3. Sheila Little. Dorothy then thanked Isobel and Lavinia for providing the refreshments and everyone who had contributed to the meeting. The raffle was drawn and was a good night for the top table! After clearing up everyone headed for home still buzzing with the fascinating facts and stories of the life of bees.

Christine Whipp, Carsphairn SWI.


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