Carsphairn Community Woodland Look Back on 2022

Log chairs over looking Ken Doon Loch

Thinking back over our first operational year at the community woodland, it has certainly been action packed!

A little over a year ago we commenced work, firstly felling the diseased larch and created a site for the yard and shed. Stone was then laid and the shed went up in March thanks to funding from South of Scotland Enterprise. We took on staff, Andy and Phoenix, who have proved to be a great asset, running the woodfuel enterprise, alongside the many tasks they undertake in the woodland.

The wonderful wildlife hide funded partly by Galloway Glens Scheme (thanks for all your input!) was completed and has been a big hit with everyone.

We have held a number of open days, well supported and showcasing a range of rural craft workers, various walks and talks and have even managed to fit in a willow weaving workshop and beginners’ woodwork classes. More to follow in 2023!

Many thanks to everyone who has supported us; it's been a great year and there are further exciting developments afoot to look forward to in 2023... watch this space and see you all at Muirdrochwood soon!

Ken Doon Loch  in winter

If you would like to know more or have any suggestions, including workshops you would like to see take place at the community woodland, please email:

To order firewood, please phone 07710 124 255.

The CCW Team


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