Care About Loch Ken?

With recent exciting developments, Loch Ken Trust is seeking extra support from the community to make their future plans the best they can be.

Loch Ken Trust Volunteers

There are currently a number of vacancies for Trustees and the Trust is especially looking for people with expertise in environmental and educational work.

A double funding success means the Trust can now look forward to an exciting future. Thanks to generous awards from both the Blackcraig Windfarm Community Fund and Drax plc, the Trust and the Loch Ken Ranger Service can both make plans for future years, with the confidence that they will still be around to deliver them.

Glenkens & District Trust gave a multi-year award from the Blackcraig Windfarm Community Fund to the Loch Ken Ranger Service, securing the service for the next three years.

Loch Ken Ranger Service was established in 2021, in response to the withdrawal of the local authority Rangers. They undertake regular patrols of Loch Ken, on both land and water, as well as delivering a range of educational and environmental activities. Current future plans include setting up a Volunteer Ranger scheme, continuing work on our Baseline Ecosystem Assessment, delivering resilience support to local communities as well as developing a programme of footpath maintenance.

Drax plc are the owners of the Galloway Hydro Scheme, which includes Loch Ken. They have awarded funding to Loch Ken Trust, to support all of its varied activities and operations.

The wider work of the Trust involves delivering the Loch Ken Plan, which aims to support sustainable local communities around Loch Ken. The Plan has projects across three themes; People, Prosperity and Planet, with the ambition to improve the quality of life for everyone who lives, works or plays at Loch Ken.

If you are interested in knowing more, or would like to apply, please contact for more details.


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