A Vet’s Perspective at Carsphairn SWI Meeting
Dorothy Faulds, president, welcomed members and friends to the meeting. It was lovely to see so many people there.
Apologies were given and January’s meeting minutes approved. Nancy White gave the treasurer’s report which reflected a healthy balance. Members had given generously through Pennies for Friendship and the raffle in January. Further business was conducted which included forthcoming events, not least the Ruralympics which is a hugely popular event and Stewartry Federation Spring Show. Preparations for the Community Work entry are well under way.
A Vet’s Perspective.
Bruce Haggerty, Stewartry Veterinary Centre
Dorothy introduced Bruce Haggerty who is a vet with the Stewartry Veterinary Centre in Castle Douglas. Bruce told members and friends about his journey towards and within his life as a vet. He had written in his jotter at school in Primary 2 that he wanted to be a vet.
Over the last 20 years Bruce has worked with practices from Cumbria to Orkney (and in between) within the UK and as far afield as New Zealand. Supported by photographs Bruce shared reminiscences and experiences that have shaped his life and career.
His work in mixed practice has included a huge variety of animals, large and small. While talking, Bruce reflected on different events and although animals are key in his career they are always accompanied by people and he has a huge interest in and awareness of the people he comes into contact with.
Members and friends were fascinated by Bruce’s insights. Although Bruce has travelled and worked all over the world, he and his family have chosen to settle in Dumfries and Galloway and believe it is the best place to be. Jennifer thanked Bruce for his input which was heartily endorsed by everyone there.
Jennifer Harvie and Judy Firth provided most welcome and tasty refreshments. These were enjoyed while lots of catching up went on. Bruce kindly judged the competitions. The results were as follows:
Cute animal photo - 1. Judy Firth 2. Dorothy Faulds 3. Isobel Cuthbertson.
Brownies - 1. Dorothy Faulds 2. Nancy White 3. Susie Seed.
Flower of the Month - 1. Nancy White 2. Merle Kerkhof 3. Dorothy Faulds.
The raffle was drawn and Dorothy thanked Jennifer and Judy for providing the tea, and everyone for their contributions to the meeting. Members and friends headed home having shared a most enjoyable evening. There had been a real buzz in the hall with lots of reflection and laughter.