Community Councils
Community Councils
Community Councils were introduced mainly to gather public opinion and pass these opinions on to local authorities and other public sector bodies. From the D&G website:
"For example, they [Community Councils] have a right to be consulted about planning and licensing applications. They are part of Dumfries and Galloway Council’s winter resilience scheme and many Community Councils have been issued with equipment such as salt bins and snow shovels. Community Councils have invaluable knowledge about vulnerable people in their communities who may need extra assistance at times. Here are some examples of what you can expect your Community Council to help you with:
How do we get a salt bin for our street?
More detail about Planning and licensing applications
How do we get something done about potholes
Power cuts, water supply disruption – knowledge about vulnerable people to pass on to public sector bodies
Advice about antisocial behaviour"
Click on map to find your Community Council.