Glenkens Men’s Shed

Glenkens Men's Shed

A place where men and women with a bit of time to spare can chat, connect and create.

Sheds are popular right across the UK as a haven where you can meet like minded people and make new friends while also using your skills to help your community.

You can also learn new stuff and, most importantly, go home feeling content.

Men’s Shed Opening Times

Monday 9.30am - 12.30pm

Wednesday 9.30am - 12.30m - Wood Carving and 2pm - 4pm Come along and work on any project you want - our resident expert Bill is on hand with advice.

Thursday Art Group 2pm - 4pm - Work on your own creation in any medium in a friendly environment.

Friday 9.30am - 12.30pm

Saturday 9am - 12noon


Glenkens and District Trust


Glenkens Scout Group