Wednesday 18th Dec, 5pm - 7pm
All ages welcome to audition but must be have been under 28 on the 1st September 2024.
Calling all performers! We will be auditioning and casting for next year's one act play - Peter Pan, a one act play from novel by J.M Barrie.
We will be casting for:
Peter, Mrs Darling, Wendy, Jane, Tinkerbell
Pirates, Hook, Smee, Ceeco, Skylight
The Lost Boys, Nibs, Curly, Tootle
The Stagehand fairies
Rehearsals will be Tuesday evenings starting in January. Please book below and Cat will send you an application and script sample on advance of the audition.
This inventive adaptation can be performed with or without flying, making it a perfect and flexible choice for smaller spaces and limited budgets. In the world of Neverland, Peter Pan is king until he meets his match...a female Captain Hook. Experience a theatrical and inventive Peter Pan like you never have before! Master director and acclaimed playwright Jon Jory.